
** 2023. 12 December 2024 programme will be announced soon **

Meet the Leaders. Shape Europe's Future.

Every year, the EnerGreenDeal Conference is the platform where EU political leaders and EU Business Leaders meet and discuss their common challenges and goals to build a more resilient and more autonomous energy sector.

6 June 2023 comes two weeks before a key meeting of the EU Energy Council. It is a key moment to debate progress, discuss emerging issues and work together to shape future initiatives.

Reaching the EU’s energy ambitions in the face of ongoing challenges.

In the context of a geopolitical crisis, preserving the EU Green Deal and the clean energy targets while maintaining a strong industrial ecosystem is crucial. The EU’s ability to respond to emerging issues—like price volatility and supply chain disruptions—and the capacity of European businesses to adapt build up the conviction that solutions are in Europe and that Europe is the solution.


Conversation 1: EVP Timmermans and European business leaders


A challenging energy equation for Europe: ensuring security of supply and socio-economic stability with staying on course with the climate mitigation agenda

Frans Timmermans

Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal

European Commission

Alexandre Paquot

Director, Innovation for a low carbon, resilient economy, DG CLIMA

European Commission

Mónica Andrés Enríquez

EVP Europe

Yara International

Ivo Bols

President, Europe and Africa

Air Products

Marco Alverà


Tree Energy Solutions


Coffee break


Take a break and network


Conversation 2: with Commissioner Simson, Tsvetelina Penkova MEP, Jerzy Buzek MEP and European business leaders


Short and medium-term solutions to realistically and efficiently decarbonise energy consumption

Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy

European Commission

Jerzy Buzek MEP

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Tsvetelina Penkova MEP

Shadow rapporteur, Net-Zero Industry Act, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Xavier Pontone

General Manager

Air Liquide Benelux Industries

Gabrielle Gauthey

CEO High Representative to the European Institutions and Senior Vice-President European Affairs


Frédéric John

COO and Co-founder



Lunch break


Networking lunch open to all delegates


Conversation 3: with Cristian Silviu Bușoi MEP, the European Commission and business leaders


Strengthening the EU industrial competitiveness in face of high and volatile energy prices, dependence on critical raw materials and trade uncertainties

Cristian Silviu Bușoi MEP

Chair - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Paula Pinho

Director for Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation, DG ENER

European Commission

Jostein Røynesdal

Head of EU Affairs

Norsk Hydro

Denis Bonvillain

Head of EU Public Affairs



Coffee break


Take a break and network


Conversation 4: with Christophe Grudler MEP, the European Commission and business leaders


Accelerate the development and deployment of nuclear energy, hydrogen and CCUS

Christophe Grudler MEP

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Massimo Garribba

Deputy Director-General, DG Energy

European Commission

Dominique Mockly

Chairman and CEO


François-Régis Mouton


IOGP Europe

John Ahlberg


Kärnfull Next


Conversation 5: with Maria da Graça Carvalho MEP, the European Commission and business leaders


Reviewing the EU electricity market design to accelerate the deployment and industrial use of renewables and protect consumers

Georg Zachmann

Senior fellow


Mechthild Wörsdörfer

Deputy Director-General, DG Energy

European Commission

Erkki Maillard

Senior Vice-President European and International Affairs and Diplomatic Adviser to the Chairman and CEO


Nicolas Lefevre-Marton

Group Chief Strategy Officer


Anne Bolle

Vice-President EU Affairs
