
Reaching the EU’s energy ambitions in the face of ongoing challenges.

In the context of a geopolitical crisis, preserving the EU Green Deal and the clean energy targets while maintaining a strong industrial ecosystem is crucial. The EU’s ability to respond to emerging issues—like price volatility and supply chain disruptions—and the capacity of European businesses to build up the conviction that solutions are in Europe and that Europe is the solution.

Galerie des Glaces

Room 1

09:00 - 09:10

Opening Keynote Address

Wopke Hoekstra

Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth

European Commission

Room 1

09:15 - 10:10

Opening Plenary Session

Implementing Fit-for-55 and setting the 2040 decarbonisation target: reconciling ambition, capacity and credibility

Yvon Slingenberg

Director for Strategy, Analysis and Planning

DG CLIMA, European Commission

Yvan Verougstraete MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Isabella Lövin MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Gabrielle Gauthey

CEO High Representative to the European Institutions and Senior Vice-President European Affairs


Laurent Dublanchet

Vice-President Public Affairs

Air Liquide

Annika Brack


Director for the Energy, Mobility and Sustainability

Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE)

Room 1

10:10 - 10:25

Keynote Speech

Kim Jørgensen

Director General and EIB Permanent Representative to the EU institutions in Brussels

European Investment Bank

Room 1

10:25 - 10:55

Coffee break

Take a break and network

Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

Arenberg Room

10:30 - 11:30

Platform for Electromobility Workshop

Beyond Automotive: How CO2 Standards for Cars Strengthen Europe’s Net-Zero Industries

Céline Domecq


Platform for Electromobility

Marija Dabrisiute

Senior Advisor on Electrification and Renewable Hydrogen


Paul Wilczek

Chair of WG Energies & Infrastructures

Platform for Electromobility

Gilles Desseyn

Government Affairs Manager EU & Benelux


Chris Heron

Secretary General


Gonçalo Castelo Branco

Head of E-mobility


Pedro Gomes

Clean Vehicles & Air Quality Cluster Lead


Theo Fievet


Senior Coordinator

Platform for Electromobility

Galerie des Glaces

11:00 - 11:55

Second Plenary Session

Driving a European clean industrial renaissance: turning the ambition of the Antwerp Declaration into policy action

Outi Slotboom

Director for Strategy and Economic Analysis

DG GROW, European Commission

Andrea Wechsler MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Hans Olav Raen


Yara Clean Ammonia

Paul Voss

Director General

European Aluminium

Dominique Mockly

Chairman and CEO


David Rose



Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

12:00 - 12:55

Third Plenary Session

Battery manufacturing and critical raw materials: overcoming the challenges of building new industrial value chains 

Bruno Tobback MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Peter Tom Jones


Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals, KU Leuven

Chad Blewitt

Managing Director of the Jadar project

Rio Tinto

Alison Atkinson

Projects and Development Director

Anglo American

Ilka von Dalwigk

Director General


David Rose



12:00 - 12:55

Open Discussion

Shaping the future of EU energy, climate and industrial policy: An exchange of views between MEPs and industry

Niels Flemming Hansen MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Benedetta Scuderi MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Luc Haustermans

Vice-President Corporate Affairs and Industry Relations

Yara International

Eva Chamizo

Director of European Affairs


Małgosia Rybak

Climate Change and Energy Director


Timothee Fechner


Senior Account Manager

logos-Business Bridge Europe

Alberto Ambrosio



logos-Business Bridge Europe

Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

13:00 - 14:20

Networking Lunch Break (by invitation only)

Eva Chamizo

Director of European Affairs


13:00 - 14:20

Lunch Break

Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

14:25 - 15:10

Parallel Session 1

How can cleantech, digital solutions and data drive the energy transition?


Rosalinde Van Der Vlies

Director “Clean Planet”

DG RTD, European Commission

Cécile Huet

Head of Unit “Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics”

DG CONNECT, European Commission

Thomas Pellerin-Carlin MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Ulrich Mans

Strategic Partnership Lead

Quantum Delta NL

Emmanuel Garcia de la Peña



Marie-Myrtille Marichal


Public Affairs Director

logos-Business Bridge Europe

14:25 - 15:10

Parallel Session 2

Advancing decarbonisation: How hydrogen and carbon capture can transform industry turning the hype into reality transportation?

Alexandre Paquot

Director Innovation for a Low Carbon, resilient economy

DG CLIMA, European Commission

Andrea Wechsler MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Caroline Stancell

Vice-President Hydrogen for Mobility


Emmanouil Kakaras

Executive Vice President

NEXT Energy Business, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries EMEA

Nicolas Jennison

Senior Manager for H2 International Project Development

Snam S.p.A.

Vesela Dimitrova



logos-Business Bridge Europe

Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

15:15 - 16:00

Parallel Session 3

Decarbonizing buildings: Measures and technologies for a successful transition

Nina Neumann

Team leader for Legislative Development and Enforcement in the area of buildings

DG ENER, European Commission

Niels Fuglsang MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Delia Villagrasa


Cool Heating Coalition

Oliver Rapf

Executive Director


Dave Keating



15:15 - 16:00

Parallel Session 4

Clean and reliable fuels for the future of transportation?

Moumen Hamdouch

Head of Unit Sustainable and Intelligent Transport

DG MOVE, European Commission

Xavier Noyon

Secretary General

European Biodiesel Board

Ana Álvarez Rodríguez

Head of EU Public Affairs


Ignacio Guibert


Senior Consultant

logos-Business Bridge Europe

Galerie des Glaces

Room 1

16:05 - 16:25

Coffee break

Take a break and network

Room 1

16:30 - 16:45

Keynote Address

Matthieu Auzanneau

Executive Director

The Shift Project

Room 1

16:50 - 17:35

Fourth Plenary Session

Energy prices: Ensuring a steady and affordable supply of renewable and low-carbon energy for European Industry

Nicolás González Casares MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Christophe Grudler MEP

Member of the ITRE committee

European Parliament

Dr Christof Germann

Chairman of the Management Board

illwerke vkw

Pierre-Laurent Lucille

Chief Economist


Marion Labatut

Director for European Affairs


Dave Keating



Room 1

17:50 - 19:00

Networking cocktail