Provisional Programme

Reaching the EU’s energy ambitions in the face of ongoing challenges.

In the context of a geopolitical crisis, preserving the EU Green Deal and the clean energy targets while maintaining a strong industrial ecosystem is crucial. The EU’s ability to respond to emerging issues—like price volatility and supply chain disruptions—and the capacity of European businesses to build up the conviction that solutions are in Europe and that Europe is the solution.

Galerie des Glaces

Room 1

09:15 - 10:10

Opening Plenary Session

Implementing Fit-for-55 and setting the 2040 decarbonisation target: reconciling ambition, capacity and credibility

Room 1

10:10 - 10:25

In conversation with...

Room 1

10:25 - 10:55

Coffee break

Take a break and network

Room 1

11:00 - 11:55

Second Plenary Session

Driving a European green industrial renaissance and retaining competitiveness: progresses and next steps after the Antwerp Declaration

Room 1

12:00 - 12:55

Third Plenary Session

Battery manufacturing and critical raw materials: the challenges of building an industry in Europe

Room 1

13:00 - 14:20

Networking Lunch Break

Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

14:25 - 15:10

Parallel Session 1

How can cleantech, digital solutions and data drive the energy transition?


14:25 - 15:10

Parallel Session 2

Hydrogen: turning the hype into reality transportation?

Galerie des Glaces
Arenberg Room

15:15 - 16:00

Parallel Session 3

Decarbonizing buildings: Measures and technologies for a successful transition

15:15 - 16:00

Parallel Session 4

Clean and reliable fuels for the future of transportation?

Galerie des Glaces

Room 1

16:05 - 16:25

Coffee break

Take a break and network

Room 1

16:30 - 16:45

In conversation with...

Room 1

16:50 - 17:35

Fourth Plenary Session

Ensuring a steady and affordable supply of renewable and low-carbon energy for European Industry

Room 1

17:40 - 18:25

Keynote Conversation

The future of nuclear energy in Europe: towards a Nuclear Technologies Act?

Room 1

18:30 - 19:30

Networking cocktail