Invited Speakers

Institutional and industry representatives invited to the 3rd EnerGreenDeal Conference.

Frans Timmermans

Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal

European Commission

Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy

European Commission

Cristian Silviu Bușoi MEP

Chair - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Tsvetelina Penkova MEP

Shadow rapporteur, Net-Zero Industry Act, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Jerzy Buzek MEP

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Christophe Grudler MEP

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Parliament

Mechthild Wörsdörfer

Deputy Director-General, DG Energy

European Commission

Massimo Garribba

Deputy Director-General, DG Energy

European Commission

Alexandre Paquot

Director, Innovation for a low carbon, resilient economy, DG CLIMA

European Commission

Paula Pinho

Director for Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation, DG ENER

European Commission

Erkki Maillard

Senior Vice-President European and International Affairs and Diplomatic Adviser to the Chairman and CEO


Gabrielle Gauthey

CEO High Representative to the European Institutions and Senior Vice-President European Affairs


Marco Alverà


Tree Energy Solutions

Ivo Bols

President, Europe and Africa

Air Products

Mónica Andrés Enríquez

EVP Europe

Yara International

Nicolas Lefevre-Marton

Group Chief Strategy Officer


Anne Bolle

Vice-President EU Affairs


John Ahlberg


Kärnfull Next

Jostein Røynesdal

Head of EU Affairs

Norsk Hydro

François-Régis Mouton


IOGP Europe

Denis Bonvillain

Head of EU Public Affairs


Georg Zachmann

Senior fellow


Dominique Mockly

Chairman and CEO


Xavier Pontone

General Manager

Air Liquide Benelux Industries

Frédéric John

COO and Co-founder
